
Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Review 9 Matahari Novel

9 Matahari is a novel written by Adenita.  This novel got achievement as national best seller novel in 2009.
      "“Aku memang berhasil lulus kuliah. Bukan hanya membawa ilmu, tapi juga utang kuliah. Utang atas nama diriku, bukan orang tuaku. Utang atas nama semua ilmu yang kuserap dari bangku kuliah dan kepingan pengalamannya. Utang atas pembentukan karakter diri. Semua itu adalah tanggung jawab pribadi atas sebuah impian. Semua itu juga adalah harga yang harus aku tukar dengan sebuah pengalaman duduk di bangku kuliah dan sejuta pengalaman berharga lainnya. Aku tidak merasa jumlah dan kewajiban itu sebagai beban karena aku tahu harga itu memang pantas untuk aku jadikan ”investasi” hidupku.
9 matahari
        The main actor here is Matari Anas.  She has a big spirit to continue her study in a college even though she really knows that their family doesn't support because of financial problem.  But, she never gives up.  She tries to loan money from her family.  Finally, she gets the money and she enters university.  In the middle of study, she always loan money from her friends to fulfill her needs.  She tries to work as presenter in a radio to help her own financial.  But, it doesn't enough for her.  Therefore, she always loan and loan money again.  But, she never forget to write all of her loan and she promises will give money back.  Finally, she graduates from the college and she works such as in a broadcasting field.
      This novel is really interesting and motivating.  It invites us to be an optimistic person to face the future.  As a teacher candidate, we have to be optimistic.  We have to set in our mind that we must reach our dreams, to be a teacher.  Don't be shy with our condition because with spirit, effort and pray, there will a way for us to reach the dreams.

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

lanjutkan iz.. ditunggu karya laen'y..hehe

Isti Subandini mengatakan...

@ Anonim:
thank you aini for your support..
My suggestion, u have to read that novel because it is so inspiring and motivating ..

Anonim mengatakan...

artikel-artikel yang kamu tulis 'oke'...
bahkan aku msh pny cerpen kamu waktu jaman SMK dulu iz.. hee

Posting Komentar

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Review 9 Matahari Novel

9 Matahari is a novel written by Adenita.  This novel got achievement as national best seller novel in 2009.
      "“Aku memang berhasil lulus kuliah. Bukan hanya membawa ilmu, tapi juga utang kuliah. Utang atas nama diriku, bukan orang tuaku. Utang atas nama semua ilmu yang kuserap dari bangku kuliah dan kepingan pengalamannya. Utang atas pembentukan karakter diri. Semua itu adalah tanggung jawab pribadi atas sebuah impian. Semua itu juga adalah harga yang harus aku tukar dengan sebuah pengalaman duduk di bangku kuliah dan sejuta pengalaman berharga lainnya. Aku tidak merasa jumlah dan kewajiban itu sebagai beban karena aku tahu harga itu memang pantas untuk aku jadikan ”investasi” hidupku.
9 matahari
        The main actor here is Matari Anas.  She has a big spirit to continue her study in a college even though she really knows that their family doesn't support because of financial problem.  But, she never gives up.  She tries to loan money from her family.  Finally, she gets the money and she enters university.  In the middle of study, she always loan money from her friends to fulfill her needs.  She tries to work as presenter in a radio to help her own financial.  But, it doesn't enough for her.  Therefore, she always loan and loan money again.  But, she never forget to write all of her loan and she promises will give money back.  Finally, she graduates from the college and she works such as in a broadcasting field.
      This novel is really interesting and motivating.  It invites us to be an optimistic person to face the future.  As a teacher candidate, we have to be optimistic.  We have to set in our mind that we must reach our dreams, to be a teacher.  Don't be shy with our condition because with spirit, effort and pray, there will a way for us to reach the dreams.

3 komentar:

  1. lanjutkan iz.. ditunggu karya laen'y..hehe

  2. @ Anonim:
    thank you aini for your support..
    My suggestion, u have to read that novel because it is so inspiring and motivating ..

  3. artikel-artikel yang kamu tulis 'oke'...
    bahkan aku msh pny cerpen kamu waktu jaman SMK dulu iz.. hee


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