anak-anak jalanan |
Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
Sebuah Realita
6 komentar:
- Unknown mengatakan...
duhh, mau bilang apa y...
kalau semua begini adanya, saya rasa di sini dituntut kesadaran kita yang amat tinggi untuk menolong satu sama lain. karena dari sisi agama juga mewajibkan kita untuk menolong kaum yang lemah sebagaimana dibicarakan dalam konteks di sini. hanya saja, qt tidak bisa langsung menyalahkan orang-orang yang kaya itu, biar bagaimanapun mereka telah berusaha mencari nafkah untuk keluarga dan kehidupan mereka.
di lain sisi, para peminta sebaiknya tidak bergantung kepada tadahan tangan dan musik krecek, mereka juga diwajibkan untuk berusaha. karena agama juga sangat membenci orang-orang yang hanya meminta dan tidak mau berusaha.
intinya, mereka semua (kaya dan miskin) harus tetap pada jalur mereka dan tidak melanggar hak satu sama lain, dengan melaksanakan kewajiban tanpa ada rasa menyerah untuk nasib yang lebih baik.
:) :) :) - 24 Oktober 2010 pukul 22.12
- Muhammad Zaenudin mengatakan...
in my humble opinion i wanna say that,
i would like to see from the other perspective.
why we are always blamed that the government or we as an individual that are always wrong in case the education of those people in the street.
why we have not ever seen from their background.
most of them are lazy people who just wanna get the easiest way to get money.
most of them are also the beggar who don't wanna go to school even the government has made the school fee is free?
would you like to assert me from your perspective, maybe we could share opinions to each other Mba?
or maybe you would like to give me link that explain the answer of my questions. :D - 25 Oktober 2010 pukul 06.17
- an.pane mengatakan...
hi... i have read your article but i think all comments above have reflected what i want to share. i just want to say that i like the way you choose the words to make description.. :).. Do you like writing stories?
- 25 Oktober 2010 pukul 23.25
- Isti Subandini mengatakan...
@ ipin:
iyaa ipin, we need to respect each others. Everyone has their own condition whether they are rich or not..
respect and tolerance. and i think, if we can help them, it will be a good action :) - 9 Januari 2011 pukul 02.39
- Isti Subandini mengatakan...
@ zaen:
yeahh, actually i dont want to judge the government.
but look at the condition right now.. you said that school is free. but i think, it doesnt happen continually.. - 9 Januari 2011 pukul 02.42
- Isti Subandini mengatakan...
@ anpane:
panne, thank you so much.
yeaaah, actually i like writing..
but it happens when i have leisure time :) - 9 Januari 2011 pukul 02.43
Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
Sebuah Realita
anak-anak jalanan |
duhh, mau bilang apa y...
BalasHapuskalau semua begini adanya, saya rasa di sini dituntut kesadaran kita yang amat tinggi untuk menolong satu sama lain. karena dari sisi agama juga mewajibkan kita untuk menolong kaum yang lemah sebagaimana dibicarakan dalam konteks di sini. hanya saja, qt tidak bisa langsung menyalahkan orang-orang yang kaya itu, biar bagaimanapun mereka telah berusaha mencari nafkah untuk keluarga dan kehidupan mereka.
di lain sisi, para peminta sebaiknya tidak bergantung kepada tadahan tangan dan musik krecek, mereka juga diwajibkan untuk berusaha. karena agama juga sangat membenci orang-orang yang hanya meminta dan tidak mau berusaha.
intinya, mereka semua (kaya dan miskin) harus tetap pada jalur mereka dan tidak melanggar hak satu sama lain, dengan melaksanakan kewajiban tanpa ada rasa menyerah untuk nasib yang lebih baik.
:) :) :)
BalasHapusin my humble opinion i wanna say that,
i would like to see from the other perspective.
why we are always blamed that the government or we as an individual that are always wrong in case the education of those people in the street.
why we have not ever seen from their background.
most of them are lazy people who just wanna get the easiest way to get money.
most of them are also the beggar who don't wanna go to school even the government has made the school fee is free?
would you like to assert me from your perspective, maybe we could share opinions to each other Mba?
or maybe you would like to give me link that explain the answer of my questions. :D
hi... i have read your article but i think all comments above have reflected what i want to share. i just want to say that i like the way you choose the words to make description.. :).. Do you like writing stories?
BalasHapus@ ipin:
BalasHapusiyaa ipin, we need to respect each others. Everyone has their own condition whether they are rich or not..
respect and tolerance. and i think, if we can help them, it will be a good action :)
@ zaen:
BalasHapusyeahh, actually i dont want to judge the government.
but look at the condition right now.. you said that school is free. but i think, it doesnt happen continually..
@ anpane:
BalasHapuspanne, thank you so much.
yeaaah, actually i like writing..
but it happens when i have leisure time :)